Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Lot To Learn About Birds

There are so many different things to learn about the birds and their habits that I wonder if it's possible to learn it all. Some people devote their whole life to watching, learning and caring for birds. I am just a hobbyist that finds bird fact very interesting and I like to know about the birds I have around my bird feeders and in my garden. I am in no way a professional on the subject, but I love to learn about them. Actually, it's just like getting to know your human neighbors. When you move into a new neighborhood everyone is a stranger, but soon you recognize people based on their characteristics, such as habits, shape, styles of walking, and the places where you see them. Paying attention to individual differences can help you identify birds, too. You can recognize many birds simply by noting their shapes, even if seen only in silhouette. Other useful characteristics are a bird's posture, size, flight pattern, and the kind of habitat in which the bird was seen. Start by learning to identify general groups of birds-- warblers, flycatchers, hawks, owls, wrens--whose members all share certain similarities. As your observation skills improve, familiarize yourself with the field marks--colored or patterned areas on the bird's body, head, and wings--that help distinguish species.

To attract birds to your yard or garden takes almost no effort on your part. Of course you need a water source, Such as a birdbath or fountain. The feeders you choose will make a difference in the types of birds that you attract. I myself have several feeding areas in my yard, Two types of seed feeders, One that the larger birds like and one that is better for the smaller birds. One thistle seed feeder that is mainly for my goldfinches, several hummingbird feeders, a fruit feeder, I put bread or whatever in the lawn area away from the feeders and in the back yard, and have a suet feeder in a nearby tree. This cuts down on the bullying by the larger birds. Not that it's always the larger birds that do the bullying. I have seen several finches chase a chipmunk away from the feeder. hummingbirds also like to lay claim to any feeder they want to claim as their own. It's a good idea to have several hummingbird feeders because they don't like to share.

You can attract birds to nest in your yard by placing birdhouses around the area too. I have many types of birdhouses too. they are in my trees, in my gardens, on my arbors, and on Sheppard's hooks scattered all over our property. The birds also choose their own nesting areas in my yard. Some choice places are not always convenient for the human inhabitants of that area though. They like the cap on my propane tank, light fixtures, overhangs, gutters, I have even had them nest in my gas grill.

One year there was a hole in my siding that a light meter was removed from and birds nested inside the wall. Every day I heard baby birds chirping loudly to be fed until they were old enough to abandon the nest at which time the hole was immediately repaired. If there is a hole where they can get in they will nest in it. They are very resourceful.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Bird Watching

I have been doing a little research on the subject of bird watching. I have always been fascinated with birds.There are many species and even variations of species to different geological areas. In the United states there are so many different types of birds that it would take forever to memorize them all. I find it fascinating that each bird has a distinctive song or call all their own.

There are websites that have recordings of bird songs for many different areas. Some come with an image to view and some can even be downloaded to your i-pod or mp3 player, so you can listen while you are hiking and bird watching. Some websites offer a bird finder, that comes with disc that shows you the picture and plays it’s song when you choose a particular bird. That would be very helpful, in properly identifying many species of birds you might happen to see.

Every bird watcher needs a good pair of binoculars to view those creatures who keep at a distance. They also prove to be a very important tool for seeing the nests that are in the trees. They even have night seeing binoculars. For the advanced birder they have bird cams that can be attached to trees, Birdfeeders or even inside birdhouses. They do a great job of capturing photos of birds in action. It is fascinating to watch birds building nests or feeding their young.

I live in the country and have several gardens designed to attract the birds and they do not disappoint me. Most of them return each year to breed, nest and raise their young. I provide them with food , water, and shelter. For my loyalty to them they provide me with entertainment, singing and chattering away while they court, mate, build nests and finally feed their babies with all of the bugs they want from my gardens. I just sit back in my garden swingand watch. I recommend it highly to anyone who needs a way to escape from the stress of everyday life.

Some times I even set out string, Easter grass, strips of paper and other things they like to build nests with, They can pick some strange things to use in their nests. I have found many odd things while cleaning out the birdhouses. Pieces of fabric, toothpicks, bones, stuffing, concert tickets, garland, rubber bands, straws, and even a five dollar bill. I have my own version of a lost and found box. It really makes me wonder where and how they get all of the things from, and if the rightful owners Miss them.

The birdlady

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let me tell you about a secret civilization of little people, that some of us gardeners are lucky enough to have living in our gardens all over the United States. They are very shy individuals who value their privacy but as long as I do not disclose their location, they have agreed that I can do a tasteful and informative story on them. I am sure some of you have heard of them before and just dismissed them as a folklore or fairy tale, when in fact they are and always have been very real indeed. There is proof. But please don’t try to capture them they belong in the wild. They are not pets. They are little people.
The gnome in this photo was trapped by a local gardener who didn’t believe that they existed, He was stumped when one of his wind chimes kept moving from the Shepard’s hook in his garden and placed on the hook on his porch. The first three times he placed it right back only to wake up the next morning to discover that the wind chime had been moved again to his porch hook, So he then removed the hook. He thought he would teach this prankster a lesson. Well the next morning the wind chime in question was gone. That’s o.k. he thought I have more. So each night he replaced it and found it gone the next morning. Five days and five windchimes later, he found them all in a pile hidden under a bush. He decided to place a trap out and bait it with cookies.
The next morning, anxious to see what has been causing his trouble the gardener hurried out to the garden and discovered a very frightened gnome in his trap. The gnome explained that the wind chime disturbed his sleep, so he moved it to a more suitable spot. He needed his rest because he was keeper of the fireflies and has to be up all night long to keep them fed. So the gardener put all of the wind chimes in a row along the porch and not only does the porch look beautiful it sounds beautiful too. Once a week he also places a cookie out for the gnome and in the morning in its place he finds a seed to plant in his garden from the little gnome.

Gnomes are very hard working, loyal, and shy, but they do have a fun side to their personalities and love to play pranks on the humans and each other. As I show you the secret world of the Garden Gnomes, Please keep in mind that there are several of them out there that are still homeless and you could bring them to your garden to live and be forever entertained by them. Please remember their charm can very easily become addicting to some individuals. And before you know it, you may be overrun with these mischievous little wonders of nature.
Let me introduce you to Grandpa Gnome, He is a very sweet natured man who loves his job of caregiver and storyteller to the children. He passes his spare time taking naps under the trees in your yard and when he’s not there he is usually playing with the garden hose because it is also his job to make sure everything is getting watered properly and to keep the birdbaths and little watering holes full of fresh water, He has also been seen hitching a ride on some of the bigger frogs in the garden.
The next gnome is very well known as a prankster, his name is Lester, in a photo he is offering a warm and friendly welcome greeting, His smile can be very convincing because he is a very playful gnome who is always happy to have new visitors to play his jokes on. He is also in charge of caring for the birds and keeping the birdfeeders full. It is always a good idea to be on your toes when Lester is around, because you never know when you will be the object of his next prank.
This adorable little guy is Vincent Gnome, He takes care of all of the garden tools and equipment. He also likes to decorate the garden and lawn , Sometimes he plants magic mushrooms in a circle (called Fairy Rings) so the humans have something confusing to ponder over. Vincent is very shy and can sometimes be found hiding behind the decorations in your garden.

This sleepy little guy is Milton, He has the important job of night watchman. He keeps all humans and gnomes alike, safe during the night. He is also in charge of cleaning the bird bathsand fountains.He makes friends with all of the animals and helps them find food for their families, while everyone is sleeping. During the day you will see him snoring away in his hammockand Sometimes late at night he can be seen darting from one light to the other because it is also his job to make sure all of your garden lightsare in working order.

It does not require much effort to find this next gnome. His name is Jerome.He naps by the garden signs, most of the day.
He is the troublemaker of the bunch, He can be helpful when he wants to be, but he is also the first one to complain that gnomes are not appreciated. His main job is to take care of the weeds in your garden, when you find many weeds he has been slacking off or, it is speculated sometimes that he plants them himself, just because he is in a cranky mood, which is about all of the time. If you see Jerome napping, it’s best just to leave him alone unless you are in the mood to pull weeds.
This handsome little fellow is Alfred, He is a dreamer, and can usually be found on your garden benchor swingjust daydreaming most of the time. It is his job to make sure everything runs smoothly in your garden, He is the leader of the gnomes and finds uses for all of the gnomes. That is the only requirement to live in the gnome village, all gnomes must have a useful job to stay in this little community of the gnomes. Alfred is also the statue repairman and he keeps your statues clean and fixes the broken ones.
There are many websites on the internet that have garden gnomes for sale, and even a few who sell gnome accessories too. My favorite accessories are mushrooms and gnome doors and windows for you to create your own gnome village. These doors are so cute and look adorable on trees,
Birdbaths, rock walls hills, and many other things. You could just set them out and let the gnomes decide where they want to live. But I like to decide where things go in my garden, myself. There is a very talented man in Florida who makes gnome doors and windows as well as many other great items in his own workshop. You can visit his site at
There are so many ways to make your own gnome village, and as usual you can find a lot of information on the internet. All gnome villages I have seen have mushrooms. And a few have wishing wells and of course bridges if they have water that the gnomes have to cross. There is a website called Gnome Garden that has a photo gallery with many Gnome pictures. They sell Gnome accessories and have quite a bit of info on the history of gnomes. You can visit them at
The owner of Gnome Garden will be happy to help you with gnome acessories
I can’t wait to start my own Gnome village and have several of these happy playful helpers in my garden. The only problem is deciding which ones I want to add first. There are so many I like. I just can’t make up my mind.

Saturday, November 15, 2008



It's not really frog time here it's just too cold outside for the frogs right now. It has however rained enough to make any frog happy. In fact if it doesn't stop soon we will have to swim out of here. The weatherman says that it will turn to snow today. When you live in Indiana you never know what to expect. Oh well frog time will come. In the meantime lets look at some froggy ideas for this coming spring.

First we need a water source. Let's just sink a big saucer that goes with a big flower pot, and fill it with water for the frogs. They love the water. Then we need plants to protect them from the predators and the elements, So lets loosen the soil in a few areas and put in some plants that spread some like petunias or greenery, or both. We need toad houses or shells and flowerpots for them to hide in too. We have one with birds decorating a flowerpot. If you give them a few things to protect them they will pay you back by eating as many bugs as they can out of your garden, and keep the insect population down. They will also sing to you at night. Who couldn't use a serenade now and then? This year was real wet in Indiana and we had a lot of toads and frogs, They were real loud at the singing. I've never heard them that loud here before, It sounded like you were in the middle of a swamp.

Frogs need entertainment too. My frogs have a playground next to their swimming pool. After all they need their exercise too right? A fat frog is a lazy frog and we want them to rid our garden of unwanted pests don't we? I guess a fat frog can be a busy frog if he's eaten a lot of bugs. We have to keep the frogs happy if we want them to stay. If you are lucky they will raise a family in your garden increasing the bug eating population. At the very front of toadtown I put a sign I made myself saying welcome to toadtown. You could use a garden sign with frogs saying Welcome.

It's not too early to start your plans for your gardens. You want to have plenty of time to research and plan and order plants or seeds. Get all of the decorations ready and make a drawing of how you want your garden. They don't have to be exact and you don't need to be an artist either. It's just to get an idea of what you want. It's easier to change your plans than it is to replant. Plus that's not good for your plants either. So take your time, you have plenty of it. If you get your decorations on the Internet, you can get them now, there are plenty to choose from. If you want to take your chances and wait until the garden stuff comes out in the stores next spring you may be disappointed, because not only do stores items change each year, You may have problems finding something to fit in with a particular theme you had planned without running to several stores. So why not let it come to you? I get new things for my garden each year for Christmas too. I love that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today, I have been adding windchimes to my inventory, I already carried windchimes but some of them have been discontinued and I added new ones too. Windchimes are a very popular item. They come in many different themes, so they make a great decor item. No matter what your decorating theme is there's a windchime out there somewhere to match it.

We carry several ourselves. Hearts, Butterflies, frogs, dragon,birds, hummingbirds, dolphins, flamingos, lighthouse, birdhouses, chicken,angels, crosses, wilderness, pharaohs, celestial, even a fire hydrant. We also have some that are made by a professional chime maker named J.W. Stannard they are a little more expensive, But they are hand made and 35 inches long and are perfectly tuned to play a beautifully graceful melody. It is called JWS Dove windchime.

There is nothing to compare to the soft tinkling songs of windchimes gently swaying in the breeze while you're curled up in a hammock chair reading the latest romance novel under your favorite tree. Sounds like a dream doesn't it? A lot of kids and teenagers like to hang windchimes in their rooms too. The hammock chair is also a popular item for teenagers too. Just make sure it is securely attached in a stud. I have windchimes lined up on my porch with a few birdhouses, I like the way they all sound together.

Besides sometimes it's just too quiet out here in the country, and even I need a little quiet sounds. Which reminds me of one of my favorite birds, The mocking bird. That's another story for another time.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I know it's still a little early to think about Christmas for some people. But I found that if you are prepared,the holidays are a lot less stressful for those who have a lot of cleaning, cooking, sewing, shopping, wrapping, baking, and more of the same again. I used to love the holidays but I can't keep up any more. I use to decorate everything in sight for Christmas, But now that I have a small house it's not as fun. Every year we have to decide what we can do without in the living room so we can even put the tree up. Last year we put a small one on top of the entertainment center because we had a new puppy that chewed everything in site. She is much better now but still a little hyper, We might put it up there again just in case.

Decorating outside will be safer for me, I have some new items in at All Gone to the Birds for Christmas. One of them is a new bird house decorated for Winter. It is very nice quality and a nice price too! Drop in and check out all of the great gift ideas we have for you to choose from.
It's a good place to do your gift shopping. There are a lot of cool things that are perfect for the people on your list that have everything or those you don't have any ideas at all of what they want or need.

This sign with an adorable snowman trio and saying Let it Snow would be perfect to hang on your door or in a window. Nobody can resist cute snowmen like these.
Let It Snow wall plaque. Wood. 17 x 5/8 x 28 1/2 high. Exclusive.
This won't even have to be taken down after Christmas, You can leave it up for the whole winter long, if you want. But then again, Here in Indiana we are more apt to say NO MORE SNOW! But it's still cute.

This next item is great to put out on your porch or in your garden on that shepards hook that held your hummingbird feeder. It will make a welcoming glow as your visitors arrive. It's also another thing that won't have to be taken down after Christmas, Isn't that nice ,we can leave a lot of things out there until it warms up, Ha, ha , Those who know me will think I had that planned all along. I hate to get out in the cold to work. This angel lantern is so cute! I
want several so I can hang them around the garden.
The heavenly glow of candlelight emanates from the glass panes of this charming candle lantern. For tealights or votive candles only (not included). Metal and glass. 4" x 4" x 9 3/4" high.
This is another good thing to leave out to decorate even after Christmas is over and gone. I think that it's so nice that decorations are being make that don't have to come down as soon as Christmas ends. It always looks so bare the rest of the winter,after all of the bright and colorful decorations that have been making everything seem festive and cheerful are all gone. Nothing comes along to brighten things up until spring gets here.
Decorate for the holidays with more than just lights, add this lively yard spinner just for fun! This snowman is about to welcome you with a tip of his hat - if he could just stop spinning! 100% polyester. 43" tall.
Christmas can be fun to decorate for inside and out, Just stop in and look around today. You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today everyone’s in a hurry always rushing here and there. How many times have you or someone you know hurried out and shut the door behind them ,only to realize their keys are still inside? Or how many just flat out forget them? Here at All Gone to the Birds We know that feeling. We also know that sometimes kids misplace their key or don’t think to take it with them. I personally have went out to work in the garden only to find out the dog somehow managed to shut the door behind me. Well however you get locked out ,we have a solution, Key hiders. Put them among your other decorations in the garden and nobody will ever know that a key is hidden within. We also bought my mother in law one, because she was always locking herself out. The first one is a garden stone, that securely holds your key for safe keeping, until you need it.

There's no need to wake the garden— or anyone in the house— with this beautifully designed garden stone that cleverly doubles as a key hider! Resin. 8 1/2" x 3 1/8" x 3 7/8" high.
This pretty stone will fit in with any garden decorations.

The next key hider is for the frog lovers on your gift list, We all know that frogs look great anywhere in antibody's garden. He will be particularly happy in a toadtown or village if you have one. If not We intend to go in to details on making a toadtown of your own, later in this blog. We do have a feature on toadtowns probably in the archives.

Cute little frog has a clever secret: When tucked in the garden beside your entryway, he conceals a spare key within his chubby belly! A charming - and smart - way to hold an emergency house-key close at hand but away from prying eyes. Iron. 4 1/2" x 3 1/4" x 1 3/4" high.

The next one is another friendly amphibian favorite.

This turtle has a secret: not just an appealing garden figurine, his shell cleverly conceals a secret stash spot big enough for a spare key! Tuck him near a door for a handy hideaway! Cast iron. 5 1/8" x 3 3/8" x 2 3/8" high.

Turtles are just as easily adaptable to any garden as the frogs, They fit in nicely and get along fine with others. This one can also double as a door stop too.

Now with all of these cute key hiders there is no reason for anyone to have to call a locksmith again. Just make sure you put a key in it and put it out in your garden, so that it will be ready to help out when you forget that key.

The next 2 things are a good idea for those screens that are hard to see, You know the ones that people run into and sometimes children run right through because you can't tell that they are there until it's too late?

Fanciful filigree hummingbird beautifies the look of patio doors, screened canopies and more, attaching magnetically to any metal mesh. But it’s more than mere decoration; it’s also a gentle reminder to guests and family to approach doorways with caution and avoid accidentally walking through the screen. An attractive alternative to costly repairs! Metal. 4" x 2" high.

The next ones are 2 pc. Golden Sun magnets
Fanciful filigree sun silhouette beautifies the look of patio doors, screened canopies and more, attaching magnetically to any metal mesh. But it’s more than mere decoration; it’s also a gentle reminder to guests and family to approach doorways with caution and avoid accidentally walking through the screen. An attractive alternative to costly repairs! Metal. 3½" x 3" high.
Now why did'nt somebody think of this sooner? I have seen people put stickers on patio doors so you can tell they are there. That's a good idea too. Mine are never that clean, I have two dogs and they are always noseing up the windows.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today we are so fortunate to be able to do all of our shopping on the Internet. The biggest thing to remember is to shop ahead of time to allow for mailing the item to you. When Christmas gets closer the mail takes longer, So to avoid the hassle of having to rush out and buy a gift at the last minute because your purchases didn't arrive in time you have to shop early.

Today's gift ideas are for those special people. These gifts will ensure that the receiver will remember you for days to come. All of our items are top quality items, and will be replaced if damaged or defective. Just E-mail us and we'll take care of the rest.

This is a CHERUB FOUNTAIN it makes a wonderful gift that will last a lifetime. It is so beautiful that the lucky person that you give this to will adore it and you forever.

Fanciful cherubim splash and play, sending sparkling cascades of water from bowl to bowl. River stones and pump included. For indoor use only. UL recognized. Stone-finish polyresin. 12" x 12" x 14" high.
This woderful fountain is now out of stock but it is due in November 9th. Be sure and place your order early, because I'm sure it will be a popular gift this year, and they will sell out fast.

Do you have a Bird Lover on your list? The next item is one of the many items we carry that would make a wonderful gift for that special person on your list that enjoys watching the birds.
Make bird watching easier and more enjoyable with this convenient Coleman® bird finder. This is the latest product from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology - as essential as binoculars for the keen birdwatcher it features 50 unique calls from birds native to north America. The Bird Finder comes with five key cards (adorned with pictures for the total novice), just insert one to hear the tweeting of up to 50 unique feathered creatures. It's as sturdy and light as you d expect from modern Coleman's camping & hiking equipment and comes with a protective pouch and guidebook. A built-in speaker will help you talk to the animals and an earpiece can keep things on the lowdown - ideal for tracking down that elusive bird in the wild. Dimensions: 5-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 1" (HxWxD) Features: Electronic bird finder with 50 bird sounds 5 coordinating picture discs 2-1/2-minute sound chip Single ear bud earphone Hand strap, notepad and pouch for discs Requires 2 AAA batteriesBird sounds include: American Kestrel Eastern KingbirdBarn Swallow Brown-Headed Cowbird Eastern Meadowlark Western Meadowlark Common Yellowthroat Red-Winged Blackbird Chipping Sparrow Purple Martin European Starling Rock Dove Eastern Bluebird Western Bluebird Killdeer Yellow Warbler Indigo Bunting Lazuli Bunting( THIS MAKES IT EASY TO TELL YOU, WHAT KIND OF BIRD IT IS, THAT YOU HEAR, BUT CAN"T SEE.)

Everyone needs a welcome sign to place either in their garden or at the front door or any other place that visitors will see it, to let them know that they are welcome, and what better way to show it than this beautiful sign featuring two adorable day dreaming cherubs who seem to be lost in their own imaginations.
A pair of chubby cherubs, captured here in a classic Renaissance pose, extends a gracious welcome to your "little bit of heaven"! An adorable accessory for entryway or gate. Resin/tin. 13" x 5" x 9" high.
This will make a nice gift for that person on your list who has everything. and the quality can't be surpassed.

This hummingbird weathervane is even on my christmas wishlist.
It is sure to be a hit this year with anyone lucky enough to recieve it as a gift. This is also a great gift for those who are hard to shop for. It definately makes a nice yard ornament and can be placed almost anywhere.
Antique-finish hummingbird weathervane has a dash of flash— a gorgeous gazing ball and graceful pink morning glories! Convenient forked base for easy installation in planter or lawn. Crafted in rusted -finish metal. 12 1/2" x 51 1/2" high.
This item is priced very low in our store compared to other stores.
Shop today so you won't be disapointed.
These are just a few ideas that you can find at ALL Gone to the Birds. We have many more items at very reasonable prices to help you with your gift shopping. Just click on the link and you can do your shopping today from your home and not even have to get in the car. At todays gas prices just one trip to the store is money that could have bought one of the gifts on your list.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


GIFT IDEAS at All Gone to the Birds

Here at there are many items that we carry every day that would make great gifts for those hard to please people that you have on your gift list , or for those people who already seem to have everything you can think of. My biggest problem is finding Drawing gifts or grab bag items, It is particularly hard to buy for people you don't know that well or at all. Just sit back and let your fingers look through our website with your list in front of you and I'm sure that you can find gifts for almost everyone on your list. Today we are going to list just a few ideas we have for grab bag items. ( those you don't know who'll end up with your gift)

The first gift idea is windchimes, everyone likes windchimes and the come in so many types. If you don't know who is going to get the gift it's best to stick to something neutral like
these wilderness windchimes moose, bears and pine trees it makes a delightful tinkling sound when the metal figures jangle together from a breeze or movement. If you know who is getting your gift you can get more personal , say the person likes hummingbirds , a chime with hu
mmingbirds would be nice we have those, or lighthouses or frogs or almost anything you can think of if you don't see it just ask, We may be able to get it. E-mail me, I'll be glad to help you personally.
Just check out all the windchimes we have.

The next thing is an old saying with a new twist
Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil, and See no Evil FROGS
They are so cute nobody with a heart could possibly resist them.

An enchanting take on a classic adage! Three frisky frogs put their webbed feet to good use, acting out "See, Hear and Speak No Evil." Polyresin. 3 1/2"x 4" high.

If you have a frog lover on your gift list, We have a lot to choose from. They are a very popular item and are sure to get a smile out of that special someone on your list.

The next item is a very unique gift. Everyone could use a little relaxation now and then and this is the perfect gift to ensure that you have a special place all your own to curl up and take a nap or just enjoy the view.

These hammock chairs come in two types and are very comfy. They can be hung from a tree or on a pocrh or even in the house too if you want this one molds to your body and the other has a padded seat. both hold 200 lbs. and are very durable.

Perfect to hang on porch or branch. This comfy cradle chair will quickly become your favorite place to relax! Max. Wt.: 200 lbs. Cotton with wood stretcher. 39 1/4" x 46" long.
These make a wonderful porch swing if you are strapped for space, and they are so comfy.
A relaxing way to retreat from the day! Soft cotton padding and gentle rocking motion cradle you in exceptional comfort. Great for use indoors or out. Max Wt.: 200 lbs. Seat: 10 1/2" wide. Chair measures 38" x 17 3/4" x 52" high.

Doesn't this look like the ideal place to take a nap or read your favorite book? I know teenagers and preteens love to have these chairs in their rooms too. They are perfectly safe as long as they are securly anchored in a stud. (Speaking of which) If the man in your life wishes to have something more should we say reclining, We have all types and sizes of regular hammocks in our shop, that they can lay down on to take their nap. Check them out. We even have a double hammock if you want to cuddle together and relax.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Special Indoor Fountains

These fountains I thought deserved to be mentioned.
some are religious some are not, The first one is a actually a floor model, and it is a little large for a tabletop but I think it would be perfect on its own small stand or table, In maybe an entry way or even making its own display. It is a beautiful fountain no matter how you display it.

The classic symbols of faith and the sound of a dancing waterfall bring a joyful spiritual aura to your garden! Stunning fountain features a substantial faux-stone cross with the look of hand-hewn granite; from the graceful mouth of the topmost twining lily, clear cascades of water sparkle and shine. An absolutely amazing decoration, and an eloquent declaration of devotion! Fiber resin. 19 5/8" x 10" x 35 5/8" high. UL Recognized cord. Assembly instructions included. Water capacity 7 liters.
The quality of this fountain is nice and the details make it so special.

This fountain is small enough to display just about anywhere you would like to lend an air of beauty and faith. It sets nicely on a desk bookcase or night stand. It would make a very soothing, trickling sound to be lulled to sleep by.
The Virgin Mary appears inside a stone-like grotto in this divine desk fountain. Uses 2 AA batteries, not included. Alabastrite. 5 1/4 x 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 high.This fountain sure makes a very beautiful way to show your faith in a small area.

This is my favorite fountain it is so adorable, It is made to go outside but makes a very nice display indoors as well. It's the perfect size for an entryway or corner of a landing. The details on it are almost unbelievable.

A barefoot boy takes a break from a hard day's play to enjoy a refreshing sip of water. A charming scenario that depicts the everyday innocence in the life of a child, touching the hearts of one and all. Lovingly rendered from all-weather polyresin to withstand indoor or outdoor use, this captivating decoration recalls the images of summer fun to enjoy all year round! UL recognized cord. Polyresin. 13" x 9" x 27 1/2" high.

And Last (Well here anyways) But not least is a very cute chubby Buddha Fountain. This one would be welcome on my nightstand because my bedroom is decorated in oriental theme. Just visit my store for more fountains.
Place this fountain anywhere for an instant feng shui sanctuary! Cascading water provides soothing music as it flows from beneath a laughing Buddha figurine to tumble upon the river rocks below. Faux-stone finish is timelessly elegant. UL Recognized cord. Polyresin. 9 1/2" diameter x 8 1/2" high.

Wherever you have a spot that needs something special to decorate it or to be the center of a display, There is the perfect fountain to put there and make it a beautiful point of interest. They are so easy to maintain and so reasonable in price that you can do almost any thing with them you want. Come in and check them out today. At All Gone to the Birds, You'll be glad you did!